Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder

What is borderline personality disorder?
Borderline personality disorder is a mental disorder where one could witness a continuing pattern of changing moods and behavior.

People suffering with borderline personality disorder often have impulsive action and have problems in relationships. They are often seen to have depression, anxiety, and anger. Emotions like this can be seen to last anywhere from few hours to few days in those who are suffering from borderline personality disorder.

people suffering from borderline personality disorder have intense and unstable relationships. This is because of their unstable feelings. These “shifting feelings” elements come into picture because of how they view things in extreme, sometimes as all good and sometimes as all bad. Also their opinions on others also can be seen to change very quickly. As a result of it they look at somebody as a friend one day and consider the same person as an enemy the next.

  • Their values and interests can also be seen to change very quickly. This is because people who suffer from borderline personality disorder experience mood swings. They also show behavior of uncertainty regarding how they view themselves and the kind of role they play in this world.
  • In some extreme cases, self-harming behavior can also be seen. This includes cutting themselves with sharp objects.
  • They get repeated thoughts of suicidal behavior or to hurt somebody
  • They experience long periods of Emptiness
  • Experience intense anger without any proper reason.
  • They also seem to have trouble controlling their Anger.
  • Seem to worry about being abandoned. This could either be happening in reality or maybe something there have imagined on their own. The reaction could include stopping all kinds of communication with someone or starting intimate relationships including emotional and physical relationships. This is as they anticipate they could be abandoned.
  • “Intense and unstable” is what one could use to describe the type of relationships they have with their family, friends and they romantic partner's. This is because their relationship can change from being extremely close and loving to toal dislike or extreme anger very quickly.
  • Behave with an inaccurate sense of themselves
  • They have trouble trusting others
  • They have fears about others intentions without any basis
  • Open dangerous and impulsive behavior
  • Often they feel like they are dissociating from themselves

It is worth mentioning that not every person suffering with borderline personality disorder experiences each and every symptom mentioned above. Some experience only a few symptoms, whereas others may show many symptoms. It must also be noted that it some symptoms may be triggered by events that are quite ordinary and normal.
What causes borderline personality disorder?

The cause of borderline personality disorder is not known at this time. Researchers and scientists believe that genetics, brain functioning, brain structure, environmental and social factors seem to have a role in developing borderline personality disorder.

  • If someone has a close family member like a parent or a sibling who is suffering with borderline personality disorder, it is likely to have a higher risk of developing borderline personality disorder.
  • Structural and functional changes in the brain in areas that influence one’s emotions and impulse can play an important role as well.
  • It can be seen in many people suffering with borderline personality disorder that they may have experienced abuse, abandonment, adversity or some other traumatic life events during their childhood.

It is to be noted that having some one in the family with borderline personality disorder or having been subjected to abuse as a child or any other factors mentioned above does not necessarily mean that the person will develop borderline personality disorder. These are factors that have been proven to sort of increase a person's risk of developing borderline personality disorder.


Let us now look at treatment options available for those suffering with borderline personality disorder.


The first stage of treating borderline personality disorder begins with proper diagnosis. It should only be carried out by trained and licensed health-care professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or clinical social worker.

Often the diagnosis is carried out by doing a thorough interview and followed by evaluating symptoms. Medical exam should also be performed to find out other possible causes for the symptoms found. It should also be taken into consideration if any of the family members have any influencing and related medical histories.
It must be noted that once a treatment plan is identified the patient should strictly follow it to keep symptoms under control and lead a normal life. Any abrupt stopping of the treatment without approval from the health care professional could likely cause the development of other Medical and mental illnesses. It can also make it very difficult to make Lifestyle choices that are healthy.


Treatment includes

  1.  medications
  2.  psychotherapy

This is the first form of treatment for many people suffering with borderline personality disorder. The following psychotherapies are often used to cure borderline personality disorder.


Dialectic behavior therapy
this can be used to control emotions, reduce self-harming behavior, improve relationships
Cognitive behavioral therapy
This therapy is often used to alter the belief and behavior that seem to be contributing towards the inaccurate perceptions of oneself and of others. Cognitive behavioral therapy can also be used to resolve problems one is having in interacting with others.

Medication is not often used as the primary form of treatment in cases of borderline personality disorder. But in some special cases a psychiatrist may recommend medications to treat symptoms such as depression, mood swings etcetera.

Family Therapy

It must be noted that care-givers of those who are suffering with borderline personality disorder may also benefit from therapy. This is because having to take care of someone within the family with this disorder can be very stressful and it is likely to have the caregiver or the family member behave unintentionally in a manner that can worsen the conditions of the person suffering with borderline personality disorder.

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