attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a mental condition of an ongoing pattern of hyperactivity or inattention-impulsivity. This disorder can have profound influence in the functioning or development of an individual.
Inattention is where a person walks away from a given task at hand, lacks determination, has difficulty maintaining focus, and is not very well organized. These problems appear to be because of defiance or because the person is not able to understand what needs to be done. But that is not the real reason.
Hyperactivity is where a person seems to be moving all the time continuously even when they are not supposed to do so including when it is not appropriate to do so. These movements include tapping or talking or fidget at cetera.
It can also come in the form of taxing others with constant activity and show high degree of restlessness.
Impulsive people tend to be very intrusive in their interaction with others and they tend to interrupt others.
They make important decisions without considering its long-term consequences. A person that is impulsive will seem like taking actions in the moment without thinking about consequences even in cases where there is a chance for high potential for Risk. They seem to be looking for immediate gratification and show inability to wait for the rewards.
Signs and symptoms
Two of the key aspects of ADHD or Inattention and hyperactivity impulsivity. Some people suffering with ADHD have only one of the problems whereas some have both the problems
is it normal to have some level of intention and impulsivity?
Absolutely, but in case of people suffering with a ADHD this behaviors are more severe, and they occur more often. Moreover they seem to have an effect on the quality of their life at school or on the job.
Let us now look at some of the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity impulsivity
people with inattention seem to exhibit the following symptoms
Hyperactivity impulsivity
people with hyperactivity impulsivity show the following symptoms
Researchers could not find exactly what causes ready ADHD. The following factors seem to be contributing to this illness.
there are two groups of treatments available
ADHD medication seem to reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity in case of many people. With medication patients are seen to improve their ability to focus and learn. This medication can be classified into two categories
This is the most common type of medication given to patients with ADHD. Simple and they work by increasing the brain chemical dopamine which place an important role in thinking and attention.
non stimulants
this is the second category of medicines that doctors prescribe to treat ADHD. This type of medicines takes longer to start working than stimulants but they can also improve focus, attention and the ability to learn. When a stimulant is showing side effects or when stimulant is not effective a non-stimulant is usually prescribed. Sometimes stimulant and non-stimulant are used in combination as well for or increased effectiveness.
Psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions include