Why Narcissists Cheat: Uncovering the Dark Truth of Infidelity in Narcissistic Relationships!
Why Narcissists Cheat: Uncovering the Dark Truth of Infidelity in Narcissistic Relationships!

Hello and welcome to the Metro Psychologist channel, where we provide valuable insights on relationships, dating, worklife balance, and mental health. In today’s video, we will be discussing a deeply troubling yet common issue in narcissistic relationships: Narcissism and Infidelity. We’ll dive into why narcissists are more prone to cheating, the underlying psychological reasons for this behavior, and how it impacts relationships. If you find this topic helpful, be sure to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated with all our latest videos on relationship advice and emotional wellbeing. Now, let’s get into it!

Narcissism and Infidelity: Why Narcissists Cheat

Narcissists have long been associated with behaviors that undermine healthy, intimate relationships. Their inflated sense of selfimportance, lack of empathy, and tendency to manipulate others often lead to toxic dynamics within romantic relationships. One common but devastating aspect of these dynamics is infidelity. Narcissists are more likely to cheat than the average person, but why is this the case? What motivates this behavior, and what does it say about narcissistic personalities and their approach to love and commitment?

Let’s explore the psychological and emotional underpinnings behind why narcissists are prone to infidelity and how to navigate this challenging issue if you find yourself in such a relationship.

Understanding Narcissism

Before delving into the reasons behind infidelity, it’s essential to understand Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Narcissism involves a grandiose sense of selfimportance, an intense need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. Narcissists often see people in their lives as tools or extensions of themselves, rather than as individuals with their own needs and feelings.

In relationships, narcissists are notorious for their manipulative tactics, such as gaslighting, lovebombing, and emotional abuse. Their actions often revolve around maintaining control, power, and ego satisfaction. Infidelity fits well within this psychological framework, as cheating allows narcissists to feed their need for admiration, validation, and excitement while disregarding the emotional impact on their partners.

Why Narcissists Cheat

1. Need for Constant Validation and Attention

Narcissists have an insatiable appetite for validation and attention, often referred to as narcissistic supply. In relationships, even when a partner provides love and admiration, it may never feel like enough for a narcissist. This constant need for external validation pushes them to seek attention from multiple sources, leading them to cheat.

Infidelity provides a narcissist with a temporary boost to their fragile ego. When they engage in affairs, they often feel validated, powerful, and admired, which momentarily satisfies their deeprooted insecurities. However, once the novelty fades, they may feel the need to chase the same feeling with someone else, creating a cycle of infidelity.

2. Desire for Power and Control

Narcissists thrive on power and control in their relationships. Infidelity can be a tool to assert dominance and maintain control over their partner. By cheating, the narcissist may feel they are in charge of the relationship, with their partner emotionally dependent on them despite the betrayal. It also allows them to manipulate their partner’s emotions—keeping them offbalance and uncertain about where they stand in the relationship.

This power dynamic often leaves the partner of a narcissist feeling insecure and anxious, which, unfortunately, may make them even more dependent on the narcissist for emotional validation. This is part of the manipulation cycle that narcissists use to maintain control.

3. Boredom and ThrillSeeking Behavior

Narcissists are often easily bored, especially in longterm relationships that demand emotional investment and reciprocity. Emotional intimacy and stability can feel suffocating or dull to a narcissist, who thrives on excitement, novelty, and the thrill of the chase.

Cheating allows the narcissist to escape from the mundane aspects of a committed relationship and experience the excitement of something new. The adrenaline rush from sneaking around, lying, and engaging in forbidden behavior can be incredibly appealing to someone who craves stimulation. The narcissist may justify their actions by convincing themselves that they "deserve" more excitement than their partner can provide.

4. Lack of Empathy

One of the hallmarks of narcissism is a lack of empathy. Narcissists struggle to genuinely understand or care about how their actions affect others. When a narcissist cheats, they are often incapable of feeling the guilt or remorse that a nonnarcissistic person might experience.

The lack of empathy allows narcissists to cheat without considering the emotional pain and betrayal their partner will feel. In many cases, they may even blame their partner for the infidelity, accusing them of not meeting their needs or of driving them to cheat. This manipulation tactic, known as blame shifting, can leave the betrayed partner feeling responsible for the narcissist’s actions, compounding the emotional damage.

5. Sense of Entitlement

Narcissists often have a heightened sense of entitlement. They believe that they deserve more than the average person and are not bound by the same rules as others. In their minds, they are special, and therefore, they shouldn’t be limited by societal norms like loyalty or monogamy.

This sense of entitlement can lead a narcissist to cheat simply because they believe they are above the moral expectations of fidelity. They may think, "Why should I restrict myself to one person when I can have many?" This mindset further reinforces their tendency to seek out affairs and additional romantic or sexual conquests.

6. Inability to Form Deep Emotional Connections

True emotional intimacy requires vulnerability, openness, and empathy—all traits that narcissists lack. As a result, narcissists often struggle to form deep, meaningful connections with their partners. They may become frustrated or disillusioned when their relationships fail to provide them with the emotional high they seek.

Infidelity becomes a way for them to distract themselves from this emotional void. By engaging in affairs, they can momentarily avoid confronting their inability to connect on a deeper level and instead focus on the superficial thrill of a new relationship or sexual encounter.

The Impact of Infidelity in a Narcissistic Relationship

Being in a relationship with a narcissist is already challenging, but when infidelity enters the equation, the emotional damage can be severe. Partners of narcissists who cheat often feel deep betrayal, confusion, and a profound loss of trust. The narcissist may employ gaslighting tactics, making their partner question their reality, or even deny the affair altogether.

In some cases, narcissists may use lovebombing to win back their partner after being caught cheating. Lovebombing involves showering the partner with affection, gifts, and promises of change, only for the cycle of manipulation and infidelity to continue.

The emotional rollercoaster of being in a relationship with a narcissistic cheater can leave partners feeling drained, depressed, and insecure. It’s essential for those in such relationships to prioritize their own emotional health and wellbeing.


Narcissism and infidelity are a destructive combination that can wreak havoc on romantic relationships. Understanding the narcissist's motivations—whether it's the need for validation, thrillseeking behavior, or a lack of empathy—can provide insight into why they cheat. However, it's crucial to recognize that their actions are not a reflection of your worth.

If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist who has been unfaithful, it’s important to seek support from trusted friends, family, or a mental health professional to process the emotional impact and protect your wellbeing.

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